- Multimedia -

Keen to explore the modern medium of digital presentation Graeme has recently embraced electronic video motion as a contemporary means of expanding his artistic expression.

This initial foray sees two examples which display the merge of tradition and digitalia as expressive works of Multimedia.

Grow Food is a multimedia piece extracted from thousands of still photos taken by Graeme over the entire course of weaving this work of the same title. Begun in 2013 on 23rd January and completed on 23rd July, not only does this piece stand independently as a work of performance art it also gives the viewer an insight into the discipline and processes involved in commencing, growing and completing a large scale Highwarp Tapestry.

Poppies yields an interesting bond between tradition and multimedia whereby the frames of the slow-release film are each individually woven onto the one loom before being captured in digital. The original tapestry depicts the cycle of the Poppy as it grows and blooms through its life cycle.

Shown below this text is a photo example of the individual woven frames where they originally existed on a single tapestry prior to the panels being digitised as a continuous event.

…click on the thumbnail to zoom the canvas

Highwarp Tapestry - Graeme Endean - Poppies (Hung On Loom - Prior To Digitising)

HWT – Fork Image